Community Clean Ups
Sea the Change organised our first Community Clean-Up in 2018, with an amazing 100 people all working together to clean up our coastline. Since then, our bi-annual events (March and September) have continued to grow in size and impact - thank you to everyone who has played your part in keeping Berwickshire beautiful!
The latest BIG Community Clean-up was held in September 2024 with local people across Berwickshire's villages and towns getting involved. A massive community effort, with more than 410 volunteers taking part and an incredible 463kgs of litter collected over one weekend!
Our events have been extremely popular with the Coastal Clean Up in September 2021 attracting over 300 volunteers from Belhaven to Blyth, who collected a staggering 500kg of litter.
In March 2022 a total of 260 people took part, from Haddington in the north to Blyth in the south (that's about 100 miles of coast) and collected a massive 1,761 kg of litter.
Much of this was fishing gear, presumably lost during Storm Arwen which, if left in the marine environment, would have carried on ghost fishing for many years to come.
Huge thanks to our sponsors who funded these events - Tescos and Farne Salmon.

Doing it for yourself...
Sea the Change would like to support smaller community groups as much a possible, helping them to be the change they want to see in the world. Inland communities, such as Foulden and Duns have become involved too...check out the video to find out more.
If you would like our help to establish a regular clean-up group in your local area, or buy/borrow litter picking equipment, please do get in touch to find out more.
Litter pickers are also available to borrow from Eyemouth Coop and St Vedas Surf Shop, Coldingham Bay.
Right Bin Right Stuff...